Competition only makes the cigar consumer enjoy a better cigar, something that Cuba can not say.
I just returned from the International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers (IPCPR) in New Orleans. This is the largest cigar trade show in the world. This show is where all the Premium Cigar manufacturers, distributors and
retailers from the USA and other countries gather every year to present their latest products and cigar line additions.
All premium cigar manufactures participate, except Cuba. I would love to have Cuba one day participate and measure the Cuban cigars against other manufactures. The truth is that competition is responsible for the
production of cigars outside Cuba becoming better and every manufacturer tries to make a better product, with a better presentation, and that only benefits the end consumer.
We introduced this year at the IPCPR one new Cigar line called SWAG. The Swag is an all Dominican Puro, with tobaccos from only one farm. The wrapper, the binder and the filler are a Havano seed grown in the Dominican Republic. The cigars are packed in a cabinet box and it is designed for the new cigar smoking generation that does not want the same old boring cigar brands, and is looking for a cigar brand that represents their new lifestyle. The slogan “Swag is not your father’s Dominican Cigar” is not only a slogan, but a true definition of what the SWAG Cigar really is.
Traditionally, Dominican Cigars have great aroma and flavor, but lacked body, and strength. For a full body cigar, most people looked for Central American cigars, like Nicaraguan or Honduran cigars. But the Swag is blended to take advantage of the traditional Dominican tobacco characteristics, like flavor, aroma and great combustion, while incorporating strength, character, complexity and body.
I also introduced a new size in the famous Oliveros King Havano. The Black Knight Mace is a beautiful, triple fermented Maduro, 60 x 6 Cuban Box Pressed. In the USA there has been a tendency for bigger ring gauge cigars. The bigger size allows us as cigar manufacturers to be more creative with the blending by adding more tobacco leaves.
Both the SWAG and the new Oliveros King Havano Black Knight, were well received by the cigar retailers and by the consumers and the reviews as been great. The Black Knight Mace is packed in a beautiful collector box.
Like I said before, competition only makes the cigar consumer enjoy a better cigar, something that Cuba can not say. We all know from prior experience what happens when there is no competition and when someone says this is what you going to have.
Thanks God we now have the Fredom to Choose.
August 23, 2010
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