Rafael Nodal

Rafael Nodal Tobacco Expert, Oliveros brand owner

Oliveros and the new releases of the IPCPR 2011

Среда, 21 Сентября 2011



The year 2011, has not been a good year in general for global economies, but it has been an excellent year for Oliveros. 2011 in a way, is a continuation of our new focus in boutique blends. It all started last year with the release of the Swag Puro Dominicano, and continues this year, with the release of our Aging Room Small Batch, and the new Oliveros Sun Grown Reserve and the Swag Puro Dominicano Limitado 99.

International Cigar and Pipe Show in New Orleans

Вторник, 24 Августа 2010



Competition only makes the cigar consumer enjoy a better cigar, something that Cuba can not say.

Cuban Vs. Non-Cuban Cigars

Среда, 09 Июня 2010

In all of my trips outside the United States, the number one question that I am asked is:

What cigars are better Cuban or None-Cuban?


USA, the land of the FREE (minus the freedom plus more taxes if you smoke)!

Понедельник, 17 Мая 2010

This is a topic that is very close to my heart. The United States of America has always been a beacon of freedom in the world. The country was formed with one idea, freedom.

What is a good Cigar?

Вторник, 04 Мая 2010

I visit many cigar shops and talk to many cigar enthusiasts, and one question that I am always asked is: What makes a good cigar?

Be a patriot, smoke a cigar in the USA

Пятница, 02 Апреля 2010

In an interview, a good friend of mine was asked, “Who is your main competitor” and he responded “The United States Government”.

Hopes and plans

Четверг, 25 Марта 2010

Today I am in Miami, after a trip to the factory in the Dominican Republic last week and a trip to the factory to Honduras and Nicaragua the previous week.

Thank you for Big Smoking with me!

Понедельник, 15 Февраля 2010

I am back in warm Miami after a great visit to Russia to participate in the Cigar Clan 2010 winter Big Smoke. My wife Alina and I travel from Miami to St. Petersburg on January 30 and to Moscow in February 2 and return to Miami on February 7.

Welcome on cigarclan.ru!

Среда, 03 Февраля 2010

Dear aficionados,

My name is Rafael Nodal and I make the Oliveros Cigars.